
We’ve Moved

We’ve joined offices with our sister company Mayecreate

You can now find us at 307 Locust Street on the edge of downtown near Providence. We are located upstairs along with MayeCreate Design. Check out MayeCreate online!

We moved our data center

To better serve your needs we upgraded and moved our facility this past weekend, in doing so we encountered a couple of hiccups. We appreciate your patience and we apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you. Everything should be working correctly now; if you are still encountering problems, please contact us. Columbia: (573) 443-3983 All other service areas call toll free: 1-888- 326-TNET (8638)

We packed everything up

We will be working to put our new office together over the next week or two. We will however be hosting an open house this Spring so everyone will have a chance to check out our new location and chat with your supportive tech guys. Date and time to be announced.

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