That’s OK, give us a call and we’ll help you decide the best way to access internet in Columbia, MO.
Once we’ve got all the parts back in place after troubleshooting a connection we fire up the answers for all our customers to find in our support center.
Visit the support center Email Plus setup intructionsYES, keep using your account as you normally would everyday until we notify you.
No! Your email address will not change.
If you login via webmail nothing will change at all in how you access your account.
If you access your email via a mail client like Microsoft Outlook or Mozilla Thunderbird, these clients will automatically grab the correct settings to make it as painless as possible to set up.
Smartphones will require some settings changes, but we’ll have detailed guides on our website to help you out.
Your email and contacts will be migrated to the new platform.
No, we will notify you when your new account becomes available.
You’ll be able to master the basics — sending and receiving email and viewing and scheduling meetings — very quickly. If you are using an email client such as Outlook or Thunderbird, you will need to remove and add the account again fresh. It will automatically pull the correct settings for you and synchronize your mail again. You may reference our configuration guide to walk you through the configuration settings if you run into any problems. And you can always just give us a call at 573-443-3983, and we’ll walk you through it over the phone.
Columbia Family Medical Group’s welcoming atmosphere is obvious, even through their entrance door.
Upon entering the Columbia Family Medical Group office, visitors and patients are welcomed by a helping hands quilt hanging proudly just inside the door. Created by CFMG staff members at the time of their 25th anniversary, the quilt is covered with appliqued hands signed by physicians and nurse practitioners past, one of whom is still present, representing the helping hands of the CFMG family. Read More »